Access Your Best Self

In our Initial visit, we go through a 1 hour in depth appointment reviewing your health history, chief concerns, relevant physical examinations, and details of the factors that may be impacting your health. We will look into practical ways to get started on your health goals with a discussion of further testing or initial treatments. 

I believe in the “test before you treat” model which allows us to have a deeper look at the factors affecting your health and guide us towards more specific treatment plans tailored for you, without the guess work! During your initial visit we will discuss the need for possible testing including bloodwork, symptom charting, or advanced tests that will guide our treatment plan going forward. 

Individualized Treatment Plan

With information from our initial visit and any further testing needed, we will come up with an initial treatment plan based on your goals, and applicable research to address your particular condition. This may include (but not limited to) addressing nutrition, personalized supplementation, herbal recommendations, acupuncture, exercise goals, cupping and body work. 

Regular Check ins based on the timeline of your treatment plan will help us to monitor progress and adjust your treatment as needed. The goal is always for us to work together in the process by setting practical, attainable and effective treatments that will help you reach your health goals. 

Along the way, we will re evaluate your initial testing as needed to give us an objective view of how your treatment plan has impacted your health, and give us a further framework for modified treatment going on forward! 

Ways to Access My Care

Individualized Naturopathic Care

Community Acupuncture

Postpartum Home Visits

Workshops and Teaching